Umpire Certification


The following minimum requirements must be met for a baseball umpire to be considered certified to work National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) baseball games for Units affiliated with the California Baseball Umpires Association (CEBU). Individual Units within the CEBU may specify more stringent requirements, but are NOT authorized to relax any requirement without prior written approval. Such approval must be requested through the CEBU President, and received by the Unit from the CEBU Secretary. The request and approval may be made via e-mail.

  1. The CEBU Certification test provided by the CEBU through the CEBU Instructional Chair must be passed by each umpire, regardless of experience, with a score of 80% or higher BEFORE THE FIRST GAME UMPIRED each season.
  2. A substitute test may NOT be used without prior written approval. Such approval must be requested through the CEBU President, and received by the Unit from the CEBU Secretary. There quest and approval may be made via e-mail.
  3. All umpires, regardless of experience, must complete the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) required 18 hours of training each season no later than April 30. Training activities that may be counted toward the completion of 18 hours include, but are not limited to, meetings,clinics and scrimmages that address rules, mechanics, philosophy and ethics. This is intended to include formal, scheduled, group rule study sessions approved by the individual Units, but not individual or ad hoc group rule study sessions.
  4. Training hours are to be counted from the first meeting, clinic or scrimmage for a given season (typically in January, but possibly earlier), and do not carry over from year -to-year.
  5. All 18 hours of training are NOT required to be completed before the first game of the season. However, they must be completed by April 30 and are required for playoff assignment eligibility.Individual Units shall not assign umpires to any game after April 30 who have not completed the required training.
  6. Each individual Unit shall provide a roster of certified umpires to the CEBU Secretary and to the CEBU Instructional Chair by May 5 each year. The roster shall include each umpire’s name and CUBA Certification test score. Simply stating PASS or FAIL does not meet this requirement.
  7. Each individual Unit shall provide a Certification of Compliance (see attached) signed by the Unit President and the Unit Instructional Chair to the CEBU Secretary by May 5 each year.

Officials Click Here for all game assignments and member information.
Already a South Bay Unit Member Click here to register.


If you have any feedback or questions do not hesitate to contact us